In the Shadowhenge storyline, Saya transports Agni to an asteroid where an altar serves as a gateway portal to the Frozen Heath. Seeker Luna reports the disappearance of the Fire Paladin, and Agni, armed with a Shadow sword, embarks on a quest for the key. In Lemantia, Ryjin crashes her shuttle during a battle and discovers her homeland under attack. Meanwhile, Agni frees the Fire Paladin, revealing him as her brother Nara. In the Tundra of Frozen Tears, Agni and Nara confront an ice dragon guarding the key. In Lemantia, Ryjin faces challenges in gaining respect, and Phantral's engagement complicates matters. Nara betrays Agni, revealing Saya's malicious intent. In Jakarta, Gunadi senses imminent danger as Forge Island rises from the Pacific, causing chaos. The narratives intertwine as the characters confront personal and cosmic challenges, leading to unexpected alliances and betrayals, setting the stage for a larger conflict.